What Is a Defined-Benefit Plan?

A defined-benefit plan, commonly known as a traditional pension plan, is a retirement plan funded by an employer that calculates employee benefits based on a formula that takes into account several factors, including age, employee’s salary, and length of employment.

Defined-benefit pension plans, which still exist in some public-sector jobs, were common in the private sector up until about 40 years ago. As time passed, most companies found maintaining a defined-benefit plan too costly. Currently, only 15% of private-sector workers have access to a defined-benefit plan, according to the U.S..Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Interestingly, in October 2023,, investment bank JPMorgan said that, due to many positive aspects, the defined-benefit plan should be revisited. Here’s how these plans are organized and how they compare to the defined-contribution plans that have largely replaced them.